That the greatest things are achieved when a community of people gathers to make something beautiful together.
That the bounty of the soil and the sea reaches its highest expression and point of fulfillment when we gather to enjoy it around a table.
That a small silver fish in a tin from the cold waters of the Cantabrian Sea has the power to convert any skeptic, and that a thin slice of jamón ibérico has enough umami for a lifetime of bewilderment.
That a gulp of crisp wine is a period that enables the next sentence and a bridge that reaches over the widest chasms of humankind.
That the sun reminds us of our origins, and that the dim light bulb discloses the truest form of the human face.
That the past and the future collide in the present, and that the roof of a warehouse can be the canopy that shelters us from the storm of the machine.
That “cheers” or “salud” have a healing power that reactivate our human pact of love against all odds.
That together we can make something beautiful, something human.